Food Safety, Animal and Plants Health: Goals of the European Union

Food Safety, Animal and Plants Health: Goals of the European Union

The European Commission declares that they are aiming to assure a high level of food safety and animal & plant health within the EU. This will take place through the help of coherent  measures and adequate monitoring.

As the declares:

„The implementation of this integrated Food Safety policy in the EU involves various actions, namely:

  • to assure effective control systems and evaluate compliance with EU standards in the food safety and quality, animal health, animal welfare, animal nutrition and plant health sectors within the EU and in non-EU countries in relation to their exports to the EU;
  • to manage international relations with non-EU countries and international organisations concerning food safety, animal health, animal welfare, animal nutrition and plant health;
  • to manage relations with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and ensure science-based risk management.“

Do you want to know more about this EU-Regulation? Are you a farmer or a food producer? Get in touch with a lawyer. Prevent  problems is better than solve problems. 


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