Does Germany stop the „detox“ products trend?

The „Detox“ magic word is just advertisement and is not legal!

It is always tempting for manufacturers and traders to advertise food with positive effects on the health and psyche of the consumers and the best example of this marketing trick is the „detox“ certificate.

Unfortunately the „detox“ denomination in relation to food and foodstuff violated the Health Claims Regulation within the meaning of Art. 10(1), Art. 2(2) No. 5 HCR.
This was also confirmed by the BGH in its decision of 06.12.2017 (Ref.I ZR 167/16).

Consumers understand „detox“ as an indication of a possible detoxification of the body and this can not be scientifically proven. Teas and drinks are mostly sold as „detox“ products.

If you are a trader or a manufacturer and you are advertising your products with the „detox“ magic word: be safe, contact a legal. We will find a solution.





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