Pandemic Decision

2020: How coughing in public could become a problem

A lot of things have changed in time of a pandemic. The old times, where people where running around without giving enough space, without masks or hand sanitizer are somehow belonging to our old memories. We are in the middle of a pandemic, the way of thinking and the situations we face in our everyday life are not the same anymore. Those things that were not that important before the pandemic, are now becoming fundamental: like protecting yourself from other people´s bacteria and viruses. 

The Case:

Today´s case regarded the local court of Brunswick (AZ: 112C 1262/20).

A security employee, responsible for safety at the Old Town Market in his city was making sure that the safety distances are observed. One day in April, he admonishes a man in a queue to keep a distance of at least 1 metre 50 metres from the man in front of him. The man, however, becomes enraged and hurls wild insults at the employee. Out of anger, he steps close to the employee and deliberately coughs in his face. 

Tribunal Decision: 

In the onset of the Corona pandemic in April of that year, the defendant’s conduct qualified as an intentional health and bodily injury. There has been a high risk of infection with a potentially serious to potentially fatal disease.

Whether one of the parties is actually infected is irrelevant. The man pays 250 euros in damages for pain and suffering.

Are you facing a similar problem? Have you been damaged in your health from someone else? You could claim for the damages inflicted to your health. Talk to us. We are here for you.

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